
sunbathing-1 - resized.jpg
sunbathing-1 - resized.jpg


from €25.00

Fotografija Sunbathing, serija FOTOESENCE, 2020, format po izbiri.

Avtor / Author: Janez Klenovšek 

Formati / Formats
30 x 45 cm = 25,00 €
50 x 75 cm = 48,00 €

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Po Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani je eno leto deloval kot asistent pri fotografu Damjanu Švarcu. Zase pravi, da je otrok gledališča, ki je interes do slednjega podedoval v družini. To je bila za sicer športnega navdušenca le še dodatna iskrica v odnosu s fotografijo. Kot glavnega vzornika navaja fotografa Angela Božaca, preko katerega je gradil svoj individualni odnos do fotografske estetike. Ker je v svet profesionalnega ukvarjanja s fotografijo vstopil razmeroma pozno, nima nostalgičnega odnosa do analogne fotografije ali bolje rečeno, do kamer. Digitalno orodje omogoča neobremenjeno zajemanje fotografij točno tukaj in točno zdaj, četudi s telefonom. Ravno s telefonsko kamero že dve leti razvija svoj »življenjski trip« in ga javnosti posreduje preko socialnih omrežij (FB, Instagram). Spontano nastale fotografije vzporedno sestavljajo več različnih serij, ki o njihovem avtorju povedo predvsem dvoje: da ga v fotografiji zanimajo linije in da ostaja vsebinsko neobremenjen. Zajame tisto, kar v danem trenutku preusmeri njegovo pozornost, ni pomembno ali bo zanimivo tudi gledalcu. Dobrega fotografa, kakor pravi sam, naredi predvsem njegova lastna iskrenost do medija in vsebine.

Janez Klenovšek je Mariborčan, ki ga srečate tudi v društvih Kombajn in Glas Podzemlja, največkrat pa na različnih dogodkih po mestu, kjer za objektivom skrbi za njihovo lično plat.  


After he finished High School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana, he worked for one year as an assistant to a photographer Damjan Švarc.  He says for himself that he is a child of theatre, who inherited this interest in the family. Being a sport enthusiast is just an additional spark in his relation with photography. He indicates that his main role model is a photographer Angelo Božac, whose work was the basis for creating his individual relationship towards photographic aesthetics. Since he entered the world of professional photography relatively late, he doesn't have a nostalgic relationship towards analog photography – or precisely, towards cameras. Digital tool allows him to indulge into a carefree capture of photos right here and right now, even though they are shot by a phone. With his phone camera he has been developing a personal »life trip« for two years, sharing it publicly via social networks (FB, Instagram). Spontaneously taken photographs create different series, primarily describing these two features about their author:  he is interested in lines in a photograph and he stays carefree in their contents. He captures subjects which grab his attention at a specific moment, and it isn't important whether a viewer find it interesting as he does.  He says that being a good photographer means having own sincerity towards medium and content. 

Janez Klenovšek can also be seen in community organisations such as Kombajn and Glas Podzemlja (Voice of Underground). He often follows different events in the town, giving them a personal image behind the lens.